Ensuring a Safe and Sound Investment Portfolio

August 6, 2012 at 9:00 pm

Almost everyone knows that banks and investment houses make most of their profits from investing their clients’ money in larger financial instruments. The fees and penalties derived from entertaining smaller clients might comprise 20 or 30 percent of their income, but even if they take that away, most banks can still survive with just the reinvestment of their clients’ cash. It is therefore important to ensure that all large investments are safe and sound.

Less risky investments might yield smaller returns, but when your company has millions of dollars to invest, this might be the best route. Remember that this is your clients’ money that you’re handling, so only go for the higher yields if you’re sure of the risk involved.

Don’t forget the time factor involved in all investments. Some clients are happy to let go of their money for a year or two while others would rather withdraw their cache every month. Be sure that you have enough liquidity to entertain large withdrawals everyday.

In every investment, never lose sight of your objectives. Some options might give you up to 25 percent returns in a year, but if your target sits at 12 percent, it might not be worth going through the riskier route. Then again, some options for lending offer potential returns of up to 23% in only two weeks. Then again, payday loan companies offer those sorts of rates because of the incredibly high risk. Always keep in mind that your clients’ investments are your investments as well.