Cat Toys Less Than $10: Let The Cats Enjoy!

August 2, 2012 at 11:00 pm


Cats are no exception to the general fact that pets can be pretty costly. Besides the initial money that is required to buy a cat, you have the recurring cost of food and litter. Another item on which you have to spend money regularly is the cat toys which can get completely off the wall. The amusing news here is that cats get tired of their toys very quickly. As a loving owner of your pet cats, you then need to buy some new toys to keep them happy. Given here are some cat toys which cost less than ten dollars. You can also exchange your cat toys with the toys of another cat owner and thus offer variety of toys to your cat to play with.

A toy which most cats love to play with is a string. The next is a card board box made up from some strong cardboard pieces. Instead of making a box, you may also shred the cardboard, bind it together in a circle and give it to your cat for playing. If you want to buy something, then go for laser pointers, bouncing balls or simple paper bags to get your cats all excited. Put your cats’ favourite food inside the small, plastic, Easter eggs and let then enjoy their discovery. If you want your cats to be all worked up, then offer them some mice toys from a pet shop. You can also go for the cat dancer and crinkle balls which are available on Amazon.